Understanding Social Media Mentality - by Roland Abi Najem


Social Media, Social Networking, Digital Media, Digital Marketing…etc. Too many technical terms defining several related and close topics, which lead to a conflict for the audience in understanding Social Media.

Why it is difficult to understand Social Media? To start with, Social Media is a new concept used by 1/3 of the population (Almost 2 Billion out of population of 7 Billion).

The normal process of adopting or using a new idea is first to create awareness about this new idea or concept, learn its advantages and disadvantages, then adopt it, and start using it.

The process in Social Media was totally the opposite where people adopted Social Media and start using it, and later on, they tried (at least part of them), to learn and know what is Social Media!

Moreover, People using Social media are from different cultures, Society, Age, Gender… etc. which also means that each one of them is using the Social Media from different approach and perspective.

Stating the mentioned introduction, it is necessary now to define Social Media.

Social Media or New Media is brief is a 2 ways communication between 2 or more users using any web or mobile device.

What is the difference between the old media and new media? Again the main difference between old and new media is that the old media (TV, Radio, Newspapers, Billboard… etc.) are only one way communication (One Sender to Many– Vertical Communication) while New Media is the 2 ways communications (Both Party are Sender and Receiver at the same time – Horizontal Communication)

What do we mean by Social Media Mentality? Having stated that Social Media is the concept of 2 ways communication, now we should mention the tools/platforms using Social Media.

Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter… etc. they are all Social Media, but are they Social Networking? Sure NO. Why?

People use Facebook to connect with friends and family (you Add Friends), so yes it is Social networking, but do you add a friend on Twitter? Absolutely No? You are following someone on twitter, why? You are in fact following this person/company updates and news which explains the nature of twitter as Micro Blogger (and NOT Social Networking)

Interesting No?

To stay updated with the rest of the Social Media Platforms and to Under the Different Mentality of Social Media Platforms and to understand the Mentality of the same user on Different Platforms, part II will be release soon.

Roland Abi Najem

Roland Abi Najem

Roland Abi Najem

Founder & CEO at Revotips - Cybersecurity & Digital Transformation Consultancy - MBA Instructor at AUST - Public Speaker

American University College of Science and Technology

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